Recently Tyler has been waking up early (5:30 to 5:45)! I remember the good ol' days when he slept in until 8 or 8:30 and then that got earlier (7 or 7:30). I think he's been waking up early because the sun is coming up earlier. Tyler's room is on the east side of the house and despite honeycomb shades covered by curtains with blackout panels, his room still gets quite a bit of light. On work days the early rising makes it a little more challenging to get ready since Tyler needs lots of supervision these days to make sure he's not getting into things. On non-work days I sometimes put Tyler in bed with me and about a third of the time he goes back to sleep for a while, which means I get to go back to sleep. ; ) I can't complain though because Tyler has been a great sleeper since about 6 months old.
I feel for you. Calvin usually wakes by 6am. I am told that they will sleep in eventually...when they are teenagers. :)