Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hangin' Tough

Tyler has been having a rough week health-wise. He has actually had a lingering cold for almost 3 weeks now that is finally on the decline. It came to an ugly head this past Saturday when it manifested into pink eye and an ear infection. Antibiotics have been helping to clear it up.

Then last night after we got home from work, Tyler vomited. This was a first! (Do I note this first in the baby book?) And of course we made it worse by giving him water afterwards not realizing that we're supposed to wait an hour to give him any fluids. So the water came back up about 5 or 10 minutes later. After waiting an hour we gave him his antibiotics and some pedialyte but he wasn't able to keep it down. Tyler didn't seem miserable, other than being frustrated about the vomiting. He was playing with his toys and wasn't running a fever. He actually went to bed at his normal time and slept through the night. We kept Tyler home today. He took 2 naps totaling 4 hours(!) and his appetite was back to normal by mid-afternoon. We're not sure if Tyler had some kind of virus or a reaction to his antibiotics. Thankfully he is back to his happy little self!

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