Sunday, January 10, 2010

On the Move

Within the past week and a half Tyler has become very mobile! Thankfully he is not breaking any land speed records but the boy can get around. He has mastered crawling backwards and often finds himself backing into walls or furniture or corners as pictured above. To move forward Tyler uses various methods such as scooting, rolling, or army crawling. He still has not figured out how to efficiently crawl in a forward direction. Now that he is mobile Tyler is in to everything! I even saw him lick the wall the other day. We are in the process of babyproofing all the most hazardous stuff around the house, but mostly we now just have to keep a close eye on him and think twice before leaving him alone for a minute.

Tyler also loves to stand! Although he really can't pull himself up yet, if you put him in a standing position where he can grab on to something he gets really excited. He can semi pull himself up from the floor while holding onto an adult's hands, but he is definitely not scaling the sofa or coffee table yet. I'm sure it won't be long before he does though.

1 comment:

  1. Tyler's mobility lessons and exercises that his PawPaw and Nana gave him over the Christmas holidays have evidently paid off!

    PawPaw Hulett
