Sunday, January 24, 2010

Feeling Better

Tyler is almost over his cold. He is still slightly congested and has an occasional cough. He hasn't had any major coughing fits since Thursday and he is definitely back at 100% energy! Michael and I didn't feel the full effects of this cold until yesterday. We both felt like we had been run over by a steamroller! This is definitely the worst cold Tyler has passed along yet. (I have forbid Tyler from bringing home any more colds. If only it were that simple!) It's really hard to keep up with an 11-month old who is back at full energy when you both feel like zombies. We're feeling better today and I actually managed to put on something other than PJs and venture out to the grocery store. And thanks to cold medicine I managed the grocery store without needing a box of tissues!

1 comment:

  1. You never cease to amaze me. Even with your cold & having to keep with an increasing active 11-month old, you still found time to snap pictures & post to the blog. I hope everyone is feeling their best soon.
