Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy Eater/Drinker

Lately Tyler has been drinking less formula and eating more solid food. As you can see above he also likes to drink water from a sippy cup. He usually drinks a little bit of water and then proceeds to rub the spout of the sippy cup along his gums, which probably means he has more teeth on the way. Tyler now has 6 teeth that have broken the gums. The bottom two front teeth are all the way in, his top two front teeth have slowly been growing in since Thanksgiving, and he has two side teeth on the top that are just barely through the gums. So far Tyler has not tried any foods that he hasn't liked. I hope that continues as he gets older, but I know most kids are pretty picky! We have mostly been sticking to pureed baby foods and cereals but now that Tyler has more teeth he has also been eating other solid foods such as Cheerios.

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