Saturday, December 10, 2016

Treeskirt is Back!

Treeskirt, our scout elf from the north pole, is back! He is keeping an eye on the kids to determine whether they should end up Santa's nice list or naughty list. And he has been getting up to a little mischief of his own!

December 5: Treeskirt arrived and tied up the Grinch. He
left the kids a letter that told them he had missed them.

December 6: Tyler was surprised when he
opened his underwear/sock drawer

Slumber party with Joshua (the buffalo)- The
soccer sock makes a nice sleeping bag!

December 7: Hot air balloon ride

Daphne really enjoyed this stunt but
wanted her balloon (from the dentist's
office) back.

December 8: Toothpaste on the mirror

December 9: hiding in a basket of pine cones

Good vantage point

December 10: Rudolph noses for everyone

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