Tuesday, December 6, 2016

LA Zoo

We spent our last day in LA at the zoo. They had a special animatronic dinosaur exhibit that the kids loved and of course plenty of animals. We ended the day in the Australia section, which was complete with koalas, kangaroos, wallabies, and Tasmanian devils fighting over a piece of food. Michael enjoyed watching a dad orangutan roughhouse with his child.

They are only smiling because they don't
realize they are the T. Rex's next snack!

Daphne in condor wings in the condor kid's exhibit

Faux roasted marshmallows anyone?

The zoo brought in reindeer for the holidays. One of the reindeer
had already lost it's antlers for the year. One of the zookeepers
let us touch the molten antlers. The tips were still velvety!
Apparently the velvet is itchy and the reindeer often itch their
antlers against tree bark to scrape off the velvet.

Animal carousel

Daphne and Abuelito waited in line for a little bit to feed
the giraffes but they were already full so we had to move on.

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