Saturday, February 28, 2015

Perry the Parasite

We found out from Tyler's pediatrician yesterday afternoon that Tyler is infected with a parasite called Dientamoeba Fragilis. Michael has named the parasite Perry. His pediatrician suspects that Tyler may have had a stomach virus in conjunction with the parasite infection. The good news is that Perry is treatable with medication, which Tyler started last night. It's already made a difference because he didn't get sick last night or this morning and Tyler said his tummy hasn't hurt all day. Unfortunately the medicine to kill off Perry doesn't taste that great and Tyler has to take it 3 times a day for 10 days. Tyler literally took about 15 minutes to down his 6 mL does last night. He came to his senses today and drank it quickly to get it over with. I think there is finally light at the end of the sickness tunnel! Woo hoo!

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