Thursday, February 26, 2015

NEVER-ending Stomach Virus

Poor Tyler is on Day 10 of a never-ending stomach virus. It all started last Tuesday (Feb. 17!) when he vomited in the back seat of our SUV as Michael was pulling into the driveway. Tyler stayed home from school that Wednesday but other than loss of appetite didn't have any other symptoms so we assumed it was a 24-hour thing. He went to school Thursday and Friday and then the worst of this virus started up late Friday night and lasted through Monday.

The scariest part was around midnight on Saturday when Tyler woke up to vomit and Michael spotted blood in the vomit. We called the ER and they said to bring him in to get checked out. We were at the ER from about 1 am - 6:30 am on Sunday morning. Thankfully the ER doctor doesn't think anything is seriously wrong with Tyler. Apparently if you vomit hard enough you can cause small tears in the lining of your esophagus, which result in blood in your vomit. It is not serious and heals on its own. They prescribed Tyler some anti-nausea medication to prevent him from exacerbating his esophagus.

We followed up with a visit to our pediatrician on Monday and she said the virus could last for up to 2 weeks! Tyler can go back to school once he goes 24 hours without vomiting or diarrhea. He hasn't been vomiting but he has made plenty of trips to the potty, mostly in the morning. Tyler is in good spirits. He is pretty perky most of the day, just not first thing in the morning. He has yet to make it to school this week and will be out tomorrow too. We are hoping he will be well by the end of the weekend but you never know.

Michael and I have had a much milder form of this same virus without the vomiting and definitely not to the extent that Tyler has it. By some miracle Daphne has not gotten this virus (knock on wood) and we are hoping it stays that way.

At the ER during the wee hours of Sunday morning

Couch quarantine- Tyler has not complained about
all the video games and cartoon watching

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