Thursday, February 26, 2015

Happy Birthday Tyler!

Tyler turned 6 on Tuesday in the midst of his stomach virus. Since he usually feels good in the evenings we still did cupcakes, sang happy birthday, and opened presents. Tyler's birthday party was originally planned for this weekend but we went ahead and re-scheduled it since we don't know if he will be well. Even if he is symptom free he could still be contagious.

It's still hard to believe that our tiny 4-pound preemie is a big 6-year old now who loves sports, riding his scooter, kindergarten, learning to read, puzzles, animals, matchbox cars, transformers, ninja turtles, superheroes, Legos, corny jokes, and being silly. We love you little buddy!

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday to Tyler! Can't believe he is 6!
    Teresa S.
