Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tyler, the Good Listener????

Tyler's teacher awarded stickers for listening this week and Tyler won a prize for being the best listener. Michael and I were quite shocked because we feel like Tyler never listens to us! Example from dinner tonight:

Me: Tyler, try a bite of tomato or bell pepper or you will be seeing this same food for breakfast tomorrow.
Quiet pause.
Michael: Tyler, are you listening to your mother?
Tyler: What?
Michael: I don't know how you got that award at school!
Me: You're such a good listener at school. Why don't you listen to me?
Tyler: I just don't.

Looking at the list of kids we did realize that the girls (9) outnumber the boys (3) right now. There used to be more boys but I guess many of them left over the summer. This must be why Tyler has been talking a lot about boys vs. girls. When Tyler was in the 1-year old class it was all boys and one girl and I think his 2-year old class only had 2 girls. I don't think Tyler is wild about this gender shift.

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