Sunday, September 9, 2012

Potty Victory!

Tyler finally won his potty-training prize!

10 accident-free days in a row at last! We started the calendar
back in May. There were only 3 green check marks in May,
1 in June, and 2 in July. It was very bleak!!!!
At long last Tyler is potty-trained. Yay!!!! We feel like we have been working at this potty-training thing forever! It doesn't help that Tyler is very stubborn and strong-willed. He would make progress for a while and then regress and flat out wanted to be in control of everything. For months he would pee in the potty just fine but would hardly ever poop in the potty. Peer pressure finally won out. At the end of July one of Tyler's friends at daycare turned 3 and moved up to the 3-year old classroom. However, his buddy was already potty-trained and Tyler's competitve nature kicked in. He came home and told me, "I'm sad because I don't get to wear big boy underwear." Of course I nicely told him there was an easy solution. We still ask Tyler frequently if he needs to go potty, but Tyler actually goes to the bathroom on his own accord often too (at home and while out and about).

According to my records, we have spent $2,150 on diapers/pull-ups for Tyler during the past 3-1/2 years!

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