Friday, September 14, 2012

Drift Creek Falls Hike

Michael and I took turns carrying
Daphne on our backs.
She slept about half the time.

Hiking buddies

Having fun on the suspension bridge

Drift Creek Falls

Tyler got tired on the hike back and hitched a ride with PawPaw
We took a family hike with my dad. This is probably the longest hike Tyler has done on foot. The hike was 3 miles round trip with a 490-foot elevation change. Tyler did really well and as expected got tired on the way back up.

At one point Michael, Daphne, and I caught up to Tyler and my dad after taking some photos. Tyler was very excited and said, "Mommy, come look!" He took my hand and led me a little ways off the trail. I assumed Tyler was going to show me some neat tree or an animal but he pointed at the ground and said, "Look!". I said, "That looks like water." and Tyler exclaimed, "That's where PawPaw peed!" We were all beside ourselves laughing. We let Tyler pee in the woods too and he thought that was pretty cool.

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