Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Toddler Tantrum!

I recorded this video for posterity, so only watch it if you can handle loud screaming and crying. I also wanted to show that Tyler has his moments. Tyler threw this little dandy of a tantrum because I wouldn't let him grab items out of the kitchen trash. He kept opening the lid and trying to pull out the trash at the top. Since Tyler wouldn't obey my request to stop playing in the trash I took the trash bag out and disposed of it in our garage trash. That is why Tyler is holding onto the trash can.

Tyler is most prone to tantrums when he is tired, hungry, or not feeling his best. (Michael would probably say that he gets this from me! You definitely don't want to mess with me when I'm hungry or wake me up any earlier than I need to get up!) Tyler was fairly fussy this morning and I think it is because he is teething. His first molars on top are barely poking through the gums and he rubbed them with his finger quite a bit today.

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