Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mr. Conversationalist

At the grocery store this afternoon the cashier said "Hi!" to Tyler and he replied with "Hi!" This is the first time I have heard him use this appropriately in conversation.

Even though Tyler is only saying a few words, he is getting better at using his hands to communicate what he wants. In the past week when Tyler is hungry or thirsty he will either walk over to and point to the fridge or his high chair. We have also been working on some basic baby sign language (e.g. milk, more, sleepy). He has sorta been doing the sign for "all done" sometimes when he is done eating. That is our cue to take off his bib before Tyler takes it off himself and throws it on the floor.

It is pretty exciting that Tyler is beginning to communicate more.


  1. Someone should follow Mama Frog around work and videotape her stressed out moments for "posterity" to show her how cruel this is.

  2. I am nothing but professional at the office!
