Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tyler's First Brew Fest

We took Tyler to the Oregon Brewer's Festival on Friday. (Surprisingly this is the only photo I snapped.) We have rarely missed this annual event and debated whether or not we wanted to subject Tyler to the throngs of people, noise, and heat (while the temps were in the 80s the crowd makes it hot). We decided to go anyway and met up with friends. All in all Tyler did fairly well the 3 hours we were there. While he did not seem to mind the random "Whoo" yell that rises up from the crowd he did cry when a small brass band played nearby as it was rather loud. He even took a 30-minute nap in his stroller! Eventually though he did start to get fussy so we decided to call it an evening.

1 comment:

  1. Mama Frog,

    Are you sure that Tyler did not sample some of Dad's drink? He looks very happy!

