Thursday, July 30, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Lost in thought
Bebe & Clara taking over my living room ; )
(this is only a fraction of the toys that were in use)
Today my friend Elaine's daughter Bebe commented that Tyler's head no longer looks crusty. LOL! Tyler has had cradle cap (essentially really bad dandruff) for a while now. It looked pretty flaky when it started but is almost cleared up. Bebe (age 5) was full of good questions: Why does Tyler need burped? Does Tyler eat anything besides milk? What does Tyler's giggle sound like? Tyler was a really good sport as Bebe and Clara draped a burp cloth over his head and played peekaboo with him. He even gave them some of his dazzling smiles.
Yesterday I got together with co-workers/co-workers' wives and their babies (ranging from 1 month to 7 months old). I was so busy socializing that I forgot to take photos of all the cuties to post online! It is pretty amazing how much babies change within their first year of life.

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