Sunday, July 26, 2009

Elowah Falls

On Saturday we joined Outdoor Dads (moms are welcome too!) on their monthly hike. There were several other dads (plus one other mom besides me!) with babies in backpack carriers and one 3-year old. We visited Elowah Falls, which is about 35 miles east of downtown Portland. It is near many of the other renowned water falls in the Gorge, but we had actually never hiked to these falls before as we had never heard of them as the trailhead is not on the historic Columbia River Gorge Highway as many of the other water falls are. It was an 0.8-mile hike to the falls with a 600-foot change in elevation. Michael carried Tyler in a Baby Bjorn and Tyler did really well. The only time he got fussy was when we were sitting around enjoying the beauty of the falls. He actually slept on the hike back to the trailhead! While the Baby Bjorn worked nicely, Michael is looking forward to when Tyler can sit up and be carried in a backpack carrier as that will make hiking easier. The front carrier puts quite a bit of strain on your back!

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