Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Traveling Sleeper

I am always amazed at how much Tyler moves around in his crib while he sleeps. We always lay him down parallel with the long length of the crib and often find him turned sideways. It just doesn't look very comfortable to have his head up against the crib rails but as long as he is happy and sleeping. When he's not swaddled we sometimes find his feet poking out the crib rails.

I am really starting to enjoy this sleeping through the night thing! Tyler went down around 8 pm last night and didn't get up until 7:30 am this morning. Michael is a little bummed by the new earlier bed time because that means he gets to spend less time with Tyler in the evening after he gets home from work. On the plus side it means Michael and I get to spend some time relaxing together after Tyler goes to bed... at least for now because when winter rolls around Michael will probably go to bed as early as Tyler!

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