Thursday, April 6, 2017

Beep Beep

I thought we had outgrown crazy shopping carts but apparently not. We came across this cart at Randalls last week and Daphne just had to ride in it. She is much harder to push now that she's a big 5-year old! It didn't help that the cart was uneven and the weight of Daphne in the car in the front lifted the back wheels of the shopping cart off the ground. Daphne was ever the little dictator. She buckled her seat belt and every time I stopped for something she made me unbuckle the belt so she could get out, get the item I needed, and put the item in the cart. Then she strapped herself back in and wouldn't let me start moving again until she honked the horn to indicate that she was ready. Thank goodness they don't have these carts at HEB and that I only go into Randalls occasionally!

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