Sunday, April 2, 2017

Angel Fire- Day 2

We enrolled the kids in ski school and dropped them off at 8 am and picked them up at 3:30 pm. They were split into small groups by age. Daphne looked exhausted when we picked her up but said she had fun. Her class worked on mastering the wedge and stopping. They rode the magic carpet but didn't venture onto the chair lift. Tyler loved ski school! He wants to know when our next ski vacation will be. Tyler learned a bunch at ski school and after his class mastered the beginner lift and bunny slope they rode the main Chile Express chair lift (2,000-foot elevation gain) and skied a really long green trail back to the bottom. While the kids were in ski school, Michael and I enjoyed a day on the trails and ate lunch at the top of the mountain. The snow was icy in the morning but slushy in the afternoon when the temperatures rose above 60.

Tyler at ski school

Daphne at ski school

My first time in skis in about 9 years

Michael started the day on a snowboard but with the snow
being icy he traded in his rental for skis, which were easier
to maneuver.

Final run with the lodge at the bottom of the hill

We relaxed at the bottom of the mountain
before picking the kids up from ski school

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