Friday, July 22, 2016

Lake McQueeney

On the way back from Houston we headed to Lake McQueeney with my dad and Mary. Michael drove down from Austin to meet us. We all enjoyed going out on Mary's boat and trying out her new tube.

We took the paddleboat for a spin but it was a little hot without
a breeze. Tyler and I took turns helping Michael pedal.

Jamie is the second mate on the boat.

Daphne and PawPaw hanging on

Daphne was fearless and even rode the tube by herself. She
would have gone first but PawPaw took the tube for a test spin
first to make sure it was good to go for the kids.

I had to bribe Tyler with video games to get him to try the tube.
He was scared but loved it once he rode it. He even rode it by
himself, with me, and with Michael but we ran out of camera
storage for videos and photos by that point.

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