Thursday, July 21, 2016

Camp PawPaw Day 1- Arrival and Start of VBS

Have I mentioned that over the years my dad has taught the kids the basic rules for staying at his house?
     Rule 1: PawPaw's house, PawPaw's rules.
     Rule 2: What happens at PawPaw's stays at PawPaw's.
The big kids can recite these rules. The first day was really a half day because we all arrived mid-afternoon in advance of the start of VBS. And the kids always go haywire when they get together and haven't seen each other in a while.

This year's Camp PawPaw theme was Angry Birds and so Mary
made some tasty and awesome-looking themed cupcakes.

My dad added too much black food coloring for the
Bomb's frosting so we made the kids eat those
cupcakes with their shirts off.

Cupcake vampire!

There was a lot of jockeying for position in the SUV.

Not sure why the kids are so amused about trying to mess up my hair.

Not only did the kids get treats at PawPaw's house
but there was also dessert at the end of VBS each night.

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