Monday, July 25, 2016

ANW vs. Spartan

Tyler has been getting his summer fix of American Ninja Warrior (ANW). We also started watching Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge, which Tyler also likes. The Spartan show is a 1-mile obstacle course that teams of five compete in. Tyler told me that he would rather be an ANW than a Spartan racer because on ANW when they fall off an obstacle they only get wet (in clean water) whereas on Spartan they get really dirty doing the obstacles (e.g. crawling in mud under barbed wire and swimming under walls in murky water). Tyler is definitely his father's boy!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Lake McQueeney

On the way back from Houston we headed to Lake McQueeney with my dad and Mary. Michael drove down from Austin to meet us. We all enjoyed going out on Mary's boat and trying out her new tube.

We took the paddleboat for a spin but it was a little hot without
a breeze. Tyler and I took turns helping Michael pedal.

Jamie is the second mate on the boat.

Daphne and PawPaw hanging on

Daphne was fearless and even rode the tube by herself. She
would have gone first but PawPaw took the tube for a test spin
first to make sure it was good to go for the kids.

I had to bribe Tyler with video games to get him to try the tube.
He was scared but loved it once he rode it. He even rode it by
himself, with me, and with Michael but we ran out of camera
storage for videos and photos by that point.

Camp PawPaw Day 6- The Beach

We capped off the end of the week with a day trip to Surfside. All the kids love the beach and are usually disappointed when it's time to go home.

Jamie had as much fun as the kids did

Trying to fly a stunt kite

Camp PawPaw Day 5- Playground

El Franco Lee Park has 6 covered play structures and was a great way for the kids to burn off some energy in the morning when it was cooler.

Watching cartoons- apparently Noah has the best spot


So hot- must rest and hydrate!

Painting coffee mugs

Tyler read to the kids and then I managed to get Daphne and
Damon down for a much-needed nap. Little Micah took a
pretty long nap every afternoon.

Nerf dart gun battle

Dance party

Camp PawPaw Day 4- Movies

Day 4 was a recovery day since the kids were pretty wiped out.

Ready to watch the Secret Life of Pets in 3D. Between
 them the kids polished off 2 large popcorns
and probably would have eaten more.



My dad recently made a giant Jenga set

Tyler and Noah had fun trying not to knock over
the large tower while they played with PawPaw.

LEGOS will never go out of style!

So exhausted!

Camp PawPaw Day 3- Water Park

Texas City has a nice public water park that was perfect in size to manage 5 little ones. We spent all our time in the lazy river and on the play/splash structure. There were two tall tube slides for those 48" and over. Tyler was the only one of the kids who met the height requirement but he was too scared to go down.

Lazy river

I forgot to bring Daphne's floatie and so I spent the whole time
chasing her around the lazy river. She was insistent she do it
by herself but she was too short to stand and could barely dog
paddle with her face out of the water. I grabbed her repeatedly
and made her take breaks to get air.

Ready for blast off- Micah enjoys this space-
themed playground while the big kids are at VBS