Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Beach

To kick off the holiday weekend we spent Thursday at Galveston with my dad and Bryce's family. Tyler had told us a few weeks ago that he wanted to go to the beach this summer but a few days before the trip he got cold feet. He told us he was worried about crawfish, lobsters, crabs, and sharks. We told Tyler he didn't need to worry about crawfish and lobsters and that it was unlikely we would see crabs and sharks. Luckily once we got to the beach Tyler forgot all about that and had a great time. A little 2-inch crab did startle me at one point when it bumped into my hand. Bryce fished it out of the water and showed all the kids.
PawPaw and Micah

Daphne loved the water and the sand. The kids did not seem to
mind the seaweed, which is good because there was a LOT of
it piled on the shore and in the water.

Noah and Tyler were two peas in a pod. They spent a lot of
time jumping waves and building in the sand. This is the first
time Tyler has gotten to play in warm water and I was
impressed with how deep he actually ventured out since he
has always been a little water weary.

Trying not to freckle (more)... ha! ha!

Bryce and Michael

Tyler was the first one brave enough to get buried. Damon is
the only big one (besides the baby) who didn't want buried.

Daphne wanted in on the action too.

Micah was so good. I think he is the first
baby I have ever seen not try to eat the sand!

Bryce was hardest on Noah and buried his arms too. He took a
breather after he got his arms out because his legs were buried deep.

Juice break in the shade

Mama needs rest! Sonia tried to make up sleep
after a string of late work nights.

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