Saturday, July 12, 2014

Cousins & Micah's 1st Birthday

Wiped out and mesmerized by Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Youngest to oldest: Micah (1), Hazel (1-1/2), Daphne (2-1/2),
Damon (almost 3), Noah (almost 5), and Tyler (5-1/2)

We helped Micah celebrate his 1st birthday on July 5

Now that I have tried this yummy chocolate cupcake with
peanut butter frosting, I will definitely have some more!

The oldest cousins are the most efficient
and least messy at cupcake consumption.

This is way more fun than posing for photos on the couch.

Must lick off all the frosting...

Cupcake goatee

Micah really enjoyed opening all his presents.

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