Sunday, July 20, 2014


Michael, Daphne, and I arrived in Houston towards the end of Camp PawPaw. My dad and I took the kids over to the lake in his neighborhood for a little fishing. We only fished for about half an hour before it started raining. Tyler and Noah both had actual hooks on their lines and were supposed to always let PawPaw help them cast. It was no surprise that they didn't catch anything. Daphne's little fishing rod had a small plastic fish attached at the end of the line where a hook normally goes so she caught a "fish" every time she pulled in her line. We were going to take the kids to my dad's pool in the afternoon when it's open to kids but all three of them were wiped out and napping so we let them rest up before the last evening of VBS.

Hey! My line is stuck!

Look what I caught!

We had to keep an eye on Daphne to make sure
that her rod didn't end up in the lake.

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