Monday, March 31, 2014

Our Escape Artist

We knew it was inevitable that our little gymnast and daredevil would climb out of her crib. We think Tyler was physically capable of climbing out of the crib at her age but he was pretty well behaved and also a big scaredy cat. On Friday Daphne climbed out of her crib when she was supposed to be napping and quietly went off to Tyler's room and played until she was discovered. She climbed out again on Saturday at nap time. So Saturday night Michael converted the crib. It converts all the way down to a toddler bed but Michael just took off the front rail for now to get Daphne used to it. We thought she would be super excited but I'm not sure she knows what to think. Daphne has been so worn out from her cold that she has gone down for bed and naps without getting out of bed so we are off to a good start.

All tucked in and still not sure what to think... Daphne was
pretty tired at bedtime though because she had skipped her
nap when she climbed out of the crib earlier in the day.

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