Sunday, March 30, 2014


Basketball season has already come and gone and I still haven't posted any photos! Tyler played a 7-week season prior to spring break that was very geared for learning. There were flat rubber spots on the floor where the players had to stand on defense to get the kids in the habit of figuring out how to spread out. Many of the kids ran with the ball and forgot to dribble. Instead of calling a penalty the ref just blew the whistle and reminded the kids to dribble. And the coaches were out on the court to help guide the kids.

I was out of town on picture day or I would
have removed Tyler's temporary tattoo.
Michael's mom says it just makes him look
more like an actual NBA player.

Tyler on defense with his arms up ready to block.

Tyler dribbling. Most of the kids had trouble keeping the ball
going while dribbling and the ball got lower and lower to the ground.

Team huddle

Tyler (#4) is pretty fast and liked the quick sprints up the court.

Click on the video to see Tyler score a basket. On average Tyler scored about 2 baskets per game. During the last game of the season he scored 5 baskets!

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