Friday, December 20, 2013

Look Who is Pedaling

April 2011 Flashback: Tyler's first outing
on his Strider balance bike
Hurry up and take the picture Mom
so I can get back to riding!

On Sunday Tyler finally got the hang of his pedal bike. Thanks to 2-1/2 years on his Strider balance bike he skipped the training wheels and started pedaling after a few outings on his pedal bike. Tyler probably would have started pedaling earlier this year but it was so dang hot when we moved back to Texas this summer and then we spent most of the fall house hunting, doing house projects, and moving. We actually bought the pedal bike in summer 2012 because Tyler asked for it and he was balancing so well that we thought he was ready. But he decided to ride his Strider bike longer. Boy was Tyler disappointed on Monday when we got home from preschool and it was too dark to ride!

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