Friday, December 27, 2013

Dear Santa

I helped Tyler write his first official letter to Santa now that he can write his own name. I mailed it for him in the special Santa mail box at Macy's. I would have had him mail it but I went to the mall without the kids after bedtime one night. We sealed the deal by making sugar cookies on Christmas Eve. We left out milk and cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.
When I asked Tyler if we should check off that he has been
naughty or nice he thought about it for a while and said,
"Well, I have been a little naughty and a little nice."
We checked nice and opted to let Santa decide the verdict.

Tyler's letter is perched and ready to go in the box.

Tyler didn't want to wear his apron but was really
excited about wearing his chef hat and oven mitt.

Tyler did a great job adding flour while I operated the beaters.

From here on out it got really messy and there was flour
everywhere! The kids had a blast using all the various cookie
cutters and Tyler had fun rolling out the dough.

Frosting the cookies after Daphne went to bed reduced the
mess! Tyler never even ate a cookie- he just licked all the
frosting off of one of the bigger cookies. Santa seemed to enjoy
his cookies because there were only crumbs left in the morning!

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