Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Until Next Time Oregon...

It was pretty cool to see the moving truck in person. I kinda
felt guilty that Tyler and Daphne were at school while the
truck was at the house.

The movers were able to compact the contents of our house
into the space between the front of the truck and the
open doors in this photo. Crazy!

On the plane

Riding the tram (at least 5 or 6 times) in Las Vegas
to kill time during our layover
The movers packed and loaded up our house last Tuesday and Wednesday and an auto transport company picked up our cars on Thursday. We decided to fly with the kids because three days on the road probably would not have gone well. The night before we left Portland Tyler said, "Maybe we can come visit Oregon sometime so I can see my friends." I told him that was a great idea! The night we got to Houston he pouted and said, "I'm going to miss my friends!" and then he started listing all of them.

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