Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Austin Bound

Later this month the Hurtado's are moving to Austin! Yesterday we finally signed an agreement with the buyer of our house and we are through the inspection contingency period, which means we are breathing easier. We will close on the house on July 22 and likely fly to Texas on July 26. While excited for the move we are also going to miss Portland. Tyler also has mixed feelings about the move. Here are some of his observations:
  • Tyler told his teacher we were moving a good couple of weeks before we officially started telling people, including our employers. She mentioned it to another teacher who brushed it off as a potential visit to Texas.
  • Tyler: I like this house. I'm sad that we're selling it. Me: Don't you want to have your own bedroom separate from Daphne? Tyler: Yeah! (big smile and eyes lit up)
  • I want a house next to Calvin's. [Calvin lives in Beaverton, a suburb of Portland.]
  • In our next house I want a bunk bed so Calvin can sleep in my room.
  • Our next house needs a skee ball machine.
  • Are the new owners keeping everything in the house? After explaining that all our stuff would go with us, Tyler said, "It's not all going to fit in the car."
  • It's not a moving van. It's a box truck.
  • I want my fire truck. [We put a bunch of stuff, including numerous toys, in storage so the house would seem less cluttered when we listed it.]

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