Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Summer Fun

The kids have been getting their water fill. On Sunday they ran through the sprinkler in the back yard while Michael and I sorted out all the stuff in our shed in preparation for the big move. They both had a blast and I could hear shrieks of delight from the front yard. Then on Monday they played in a public fountain/splash pad.

Tyler in action

Christopher and Tyler were constantly running back and forth.
They would drop their buckets at the top of the water fall and
then chase it to the grate that separates the sections of "stream".

Daphne liked putting her hand in the water fall
and at one point put her backside in the falling
water and then ran off quickly.

Just chillin'

Little Miss Fearless climbed this entire waterfall. I'm not talking
about the adjacent stairway. She climbed the whole thing and the
bottom tier is a lot taller than the one she is sitting on in this photo.

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