Thursday, August 19, 2010


Last week while at IKEA I let Tyler walk (er... run around, play with stuff, climb on displays) through the store with me. In the children's section he climbed into a little toddler-sized rocking chair and excitedly rocked. I half thought it might be fun to get him some kind of chair his size. But then yesterday he climbed into our regular rocking chair (it took a few tries) and rocked like a pro.

I fear Tyler will start getting better at climbing soon. Earlier this week in attempt to throw his little soccer ball all the way over the peninsular end of our counter, Tyler's soccer ball landed on the counter. I had already told him if he kept throwing it over the counter I was going to take the ball away. When the ball landed on the counter I just left it there. So what did Tyler do? He started pushing one of the counter stools away from the counter to give himself more room to try and climb up the stool to get to the counter. Unfortunately when you push on a tall counter stool from the wrong place it is somewhat easy to push over, which is what Tyler unintentionally did. I think the loud thud of the stool onto the kitchen floor scared him a little bit. Thankfully nobody was hurt! And I held my ground and didn't give Tyler the ball back. Mommies are such meanies

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