Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Out and About in Our Neighborhood

I have been trying to encourage ball play outdoors especially now that Tyler is getting pretty good at throwing. Tyler's larger soccer ball and beach ball have been designated as outdoor balls only so we have been playing with them in the backyard or at the park. Here is Tyler in action at the park.

After the park we cruised over to the grocery store with the wagon and Tyler had the coolest wheels in the store! It was actually easier to navigate the wagon through the store than those big crazy grocery carts with the two kiddie steering wheels at the back end of the cart! I hadn't take the wagon in the grocery store before but Tyler got lots of smiles and a few compliments on his wheels.


  1. Oh my goodness you are right about those monster "kiddie carts"!!! I feel like I'm pushing a boat around in the way too crowded store with way too narrow aisles! The wagon would be so much easier! I would be taking the wagon every trip to the grocery store!!!!

  2. And those kiddie carts are so loud! Everyone always looks to see what all the noise is about.
