Eating while falling asleep! Tyler has slowly been transitioning to 1 nap a day. He only gets 1 nap a day at daycare but often takes 2 naps for us. The key to a long nap when it's only once a day is to make sure Tyler eats lunch first. Tyler was pretty tired today when we got home from storytime at the library. I got him started with a piece of cheese while I started getting his lunch together. However, Tyler was too tired for lunch! He ate some of his cheese while falling asleep and then conked out. Then of course he took a much shorter nap than he needed because he was hungry!
When Tyler did finally eat lunch, he decided it might be easier to eat his cottage cheese directly out of the bowl instead of with his spoon. Tyler quickly went back to the spoon though.
This afternoon I bought a bowl with a suction cup on the bottom that promises "less mess" for toddlers. Yeah right! At dinner Tyler grabbed at the bowl for quite a while trying to pick it up. It probably didn't help that he wasn't wild about the pasta salad in it. Eventually he pulled the bowl loose, dumped the pasta salad out, and tossed the bowl on the floor.
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