Monday, May 3, 2010

First Trip to the Pool

We introduced Tyler to the swimming pool yesterday during Bebe's 6th birthday party. We didn't take the camera for fear of getting water in it. Even though Tyler loves playing in the bathtub, he was definitely not fond of the pool. He didn't cry or beg to get out, but he clung on to either Michael or I for dear life even though we were only in about a foot and a half of water. The experience was probably overwhelming for many reasons- the obvious vast body of water, it was loud because it was in indoor pool, there were lots of people, a really big slide, and a big contraption that shoots out water. Tyler did seem to warm up a little by the end and didn't even realize a few times that he was standing in the pool by himself without holding on to Mom or Dad. Most of all Tyler liked playing with a beach ball and we helped him play catch with it.

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