Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ready for a Close-Up

Since Friday Tyler has routinely been pulling up to a standing position, which he finds quite exciting. This also allows Tyler to get into more things around the house! Of course when I tried to capture this on video he didn't do it and was more interested in crawling to the camera. Tyler was quite upset when I didn't let him play with the camera! He has been testing out manipulation by crying to see if he will get what he wants. We're not taking the bait- except when we know Tyler's crying because he's not feeling well and then he gets lots of snuggles and rocked to sleep.

Tyler is definitely feeling better now that he is on antibiotics for his ear infection. He was pretty perky yesterday. However, his fever came back for a little bit at daycare today and his teacher said he was pretty lethargic. The ear infection is supposed to clear up within a few days so we will just have to see how it goes.

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