Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ear Infection

Just when we thought Tyler was medically in the clear for a while (that last cold/cough was pretty nasty), he goes and gets sick again! Tyler and I spent 2-1/2 hours at Urgent Care today to confirm he has an ear infection. Now he's on antibiotics again plus we have to give him ear drops, which he is not a fan of. Tyler didn't seem like himself when we picked him up from daycare on Friday night. He went to bed super early and woke up fussy a number of times. He felt warm Friday night and on Saturday (temps up to 100.2), but never really registered a fever (101.5) until this morning. Tyler also slept a ton on Saturday. Tyler vomited during the Super Bowl (he must have been worried when the Saints were down), but his fever finally broke around 8 pm. He is now sleeping soundly and hopefully on his way to feeling better. Tyler and I will definitely be laying low at home tomorrow so he can get lots of rest.

One cool thing did happen while we were at Urgent Care. We conversed with a number of people while in the waiting room including the mother and grandmother of a 14-month old boy who also had an ear infection. As they were leaving the pharmacy the little boy waved and said "bye-bye" and Tyler waved back. That's the first time I have seen Tyler wave and it was adorable!

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