Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I'm Bananas over Mommy

Gee, I wonder who got Tyler this super cool bib? It's so sweet of Tyler to give Mommy a Valentine's shout-out the whole month of February!

Tyler has been enjoying his new crawling mobility and is in to everything now. That little monkey is quick too! We definitely have to keep a better eye out underfoot now because Tyler will crawl up behind you when you don't realize it. He usually makes himself known though by tugging on your pants. And if you are sitting on the ground you are subject to being Tyler's own personal jungle gym. He will crawl on you, grab various body parts such as your hair, and use you as support to try and pull up.

I don't know if Tyler has finally hit the separation anxiety stage or if he is just teething (the current amount of drool is out of control!) but he has been a little clingy lately. He previously would play contentedly while you went into another room for a minute (e.g. start a load of laundry) but now he lets you know he's not happy when you leave the room.

Now that Tyler realizes he can move about freely he does not like having his diaper changed. As soon as you go to lay him down he starts crying, kicking his legs, and trying to roll over. Often he can be comforted by a pacifier or by singing. I am going to have to expand my repertoire of songs that I know the words to. It is very difficult to change the diaper of a squirming 22-pound baby! To make it even more challenging Tyler likes to kick his legs to try and prevent you from getting his pants back on. Talk about strong-willed! I wonder where he gets that from? ; )


  1. Girl, get ready. Susan has and continues to use wrestling moves to get away from a diaper change. The best yet is when she does this with a poo-poo butt, no diaper...not cool.

  2. Sounds fun! Tyler has sprayed the water works during diaper changes about 3 times the past 2 weeks and he hasn't done that in months. He's finally old enough to realize it drives me nuts and hence thinks it's funny.
