Sunday, July 29, 2018

We have LICE!!!!

For the first time ever the Hurtado household had lice!!!! And Daphne appears to be the main host with a colony on her head. It all started when Megan called to tell me earlier this week that she found a handful of lice of Hazel's head. Hazel and Daphne did art camp together the week before and Hazel spent the night at our house. We did a lice check and found tons of lice on Daphne's head, a handful on Tyler's head, a handful of lice on my head, and none on Michael's head. Michael swears that the tea tree oil conditioner he uses saved him from the wrath of the lice. We spent countless hours combing lice and eggs out of hair. It didn't help that this all happened 2 nights before Renee had a big project interview at work. We tried the over-the-counter stuff but apparently it only kills live lice and not the eggs. We finally called in a professional who came to our house yesterday for several hours to treat all of us and educate us on lice removal. The general process she used on each of us: coat hair in olive oil, comb out any lice and eggs, apply Dawn dish soap and wash out oil, do one final combing. We are now supposed to do a lice check daily for the next 3 weeks! I am exhausted just thinking about it. Not to mention all the clothing, blankets, bedding, and towels we have spent washing the past few days and will continue to keep washing. We don't call Daphne "The Carrier" for nothing.

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