Sunday, July 1, 2018

Colorado- Day 6

Hands down we all agree that white water rafting was our favorite part of our Colorado trip! On our last day there we went rafting on the Arkansas River in Browns Canyon with the Eaves family. The trip we took was great for families with a mix of tame Level 2 rapids plus some Level 3 and 4 rapids. Daphne was the only one who didn't paddle. She sat in between Martha and I in the middle of the raft and. She was also the only one with a yellow helmet because the small ones don't come in red. Andrew loved that the guide called her a lemon head! Tyler rode in the back of the raft with our guide Chas for the first half of the rafting trip. Since the back of the raft doesn't get as wet Chas took us through one of the rapids backward so that Tyler could get splashed more. Tyler thought that was pretty cool. During the trip there was one rapid you could swim through. Daphne was the only one who wanted to do it, particularly since the water so cold. Since she's so little, instead of letting Daphne swim the rapid Chas dipped her in the water by her ankles and pulled her back in. Towards the end of the trip Chas let Daphne go up to the front to "ride the bull". She stood in the front of the raft next to Michael and Brad and held on to to a rope while we went through tame rapids and she loved it!

The kids loved getting splashed!

L to R: Michael, Lydia, Renee, Chas (our guide), Daphne,
Tyler, Martha, Andrew, and Brad

Poor Andrew got a nose bleed due to the altitude and all the
photos were taken while he had a tissue in his nose.

A little fun back at the rafting outpost

Exploring the town of Buena Vista

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