Sunday, October 1, 2017


Last Sunday we rented canoes with Tyler's cub scout den at Zilker Park. We mostly canoed in Barton Creek but also ventured onto the Colorado River a little bit. The boys tuckered out after about an hour and then played in the water at Barking Springs afterwards where it is shallow enough to wade in.

Tyler and Roman

Greg and Roman

Tyler and I made a good team. However, I had a hard time
keeping us straight since we row with different strength.

Jackson and Brian

Sandra, Ryan, and Arthur

David and Todd

Candice, Abby, Matthias, and Matthias

Geese up close

When I took out my camera to take a photo of the geese, they
started honking because they thought I had bread. Have I
mentioned that birds in close proximity freak me out?
I couldn't put my camera back in my bag fast enough!

Barking Springs

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