Sunday, October 29, 2017

Camp Tom Wooten

Last weekend was our cub scout pack's fall camp out. There was an 80% chance of thunderstorms in the wee hours of Sunday morning and so we decided just to day trip it on Saturday. It did end up raining pretty heavily for about 2 hours but a lot of people weren't scared off by the water and camped anyway. We had fun exploring. The boys got to take turns shooting BB guns at the fort. We stayed through dinner and part of the campfire festivities before heading out.

Jackson, Kaylee, and Daphne

Daphne had a blast with all the little sisters

Daphne was so dirty from playing that she
even had dirt caked in the folds of her neck!

The chapel

The boys practicing their skit for the campfire

Den 7: Victor, Tyler, Jackson, Ryan, Jude, David, and Mattias
(Carter and Roman not present)

Den 7 families

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