Monday, August 21, 2017

Brad & Megan- House Hunting Day 2

My brother Brad, his wife Megan, and our nieces Hazel and Penelope are moving to Austin soon. They came into town about a week and a half ago to look for houses. They took the girls house hunting with them on the first day since Michael and I were both working. I was off on Friday so I met up with some friends for bounce time at Hoppin' House and for pizza.

Matthew (my friend Karen's son) and Penny

When Penny first climbed this slide
Matthew was holding onto the side. She
told him, "Move! Baby!" Apparently
Brad and Megan say, "Move Bumblebee!"
to their dog quite a bit.

Daphne and Hazel

Who doesn't love the foam pit?

Art time!

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