Monday, August 21, 2017

Austin Nature & Science Camp

Last week the kids went to a day camp at the Austin Nature and Science Center and they absolutely loved it. Despite high temperatures in the triple digits every day, they already want to know if they can do that camp again next summer. They swam at Deep Eddy most days, explored the Nature & Science Center (including the creek), went on field trips (Tyler to a cave and Daphne to a farm), and learned a ton. Two of Tyler's friends, both named Ryan, also went to camp last week and that made it even more fun.

Ready for the first day of camp

Carpooling with Ryan

Daphne was super excited that she got to make fake
animal scat her first day at camp. She cackled wildly!

Daphne hams it up

It was a nice change dropping off or picking
the kids up each day in such a serene setting.

Exhausted at the end of a super fun week

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