Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Camp PawPaw- Day 3

One of the pools in my dad and Mary's new neighborhood has some decent sized water slides. Tyler, Noah, Daphne, and Micah loved the slides! Damon wanted nothing to do with them and Elin was too little. I went down the slides a few times in a race with Daphne and felt old because the enclosed slide felt a little claustrophobic! We also played quite a few games of Monkey in the Middle in the pool and the kids really liked that.

Noah and Tyler take a summer reading break
(because we made them!)

The big kids wore Micah out!

This pool was too deep for the little ones to reach

Micah liked the ninja kickboard

The water slides!

Tyler makes a splash!

Noah and Tyler claimed the red slide was faster

Daphne wanted lots of photos on the slides

Micah was like a little roadrunner- since you can't run at the
pool, he would speed walk from the bottom of the slide back
to the stairs so he could climb up and go again.

Damon was happy chilling in the pool

Tyler and Noah only visited the splash pad
when the pool had to be cleared for the
lifeguard's breaks

Elin loves the pool too!

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