Tuesday, August 9, 2016


The kids and I met up with Bryce, Sonia, Noah, Damon, and Micah at Splashway Water Park to celebrate Damon's 5th birthday. The kids had a blast and were bummed when the park closed.

(c) Splashway. Tyler and Noah rode every big slide in the
water park. Daphne rode a few of the big ones too but also
enjoyed playing in other areas of the park.

(c) Splashway. The lazy river was a great way to get around.

(c) Splashway. Damon and Micah liked
the little slides in Pirate's Cove.

(c) Splashway. Daphne and I rode the purple slide
side-by-side and she is still amused that Mommy
screamed like a little girl the whole way down.

(c) Splashway. Daphne and I also rode Midnight Storm (the
black tube slide) on a double raft and it was pitch black the
whole way down. Daphne was fearless but it was a little
dark for my liking.
Tyler, Noah, and Daphne all really liked the wave pool too. Daphne loved getting pounded by the waves. Tyler and Noah were better at jumping the waves.
All smiles after a day of fun

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