Friday, August 12, 2016

Pool Party

Last weekend we went to Houston for a joint birthday pool party for Noah (age 7), Damon (age 5), and Micah (age 3). Between the three of them there are two July birthdays and one August birthday. Brad and Megan came in from New Orleans and so all the cousins were together along with other friends of Bryce and Sonia for a great time. Michael, PawPaw, and Mary were around somewhere too but didn't surface in the photos.

Damon and Renee

Noah, Bryce, and Penelope

Megan and Hazel

Damon, Noah, and Bryce

Sonia, Damon, and Noah

The birthday boys getting their cupcake on

Tyler and Daphne

Lined up to hit the pinata

Sign of a successful party

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